December 2023, Volunteer of the Month

December 2023

We are pleased to announce

Jen Burke Lefever, Ph.D.

as the Mental Health Awareness of Michiana (MHAM)

Volunteer of the Month!


Every year, we like to celebrate and honor a volunteer who has helped with the most events! MHAM’s volunteer of the month, Jen Burke Lefever, has been on many of our event planning committees this year!

When asked why she volunteers with MHAM, she said, “My work with MHAM has opened my eyes to the vast network of people and organizations dedicated to supporting mental health in our region.”  

Not only does Jen do amazing work with MHAM, but she also is the managing director of the William J. Shaw Center for Children and Families, which is a research unit affiliated with the Department of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame. She further explained that they “conduct research to understand and support the healthy development of children and their families. [They] also host a small Child and Family Therapy Clinic with graduate student clinicians.”

When asked why other folks should volunteer with MHAM, she said, “I am proud to work with MHAM as they work to increase access to mental health care and to elevate diverse voices contributing to this work.

“Jen’s contributions have been invaluable. At my first event as Education and Event Coordinator, I was impressed with her familiarity with what needed to be done and her willingness to assist as needed on the day of the event. I appreciate her commitment to making sure MHAM community events are a success.”
-Jan Marable, Education and Events Coordinator, MHAM

“Thank you for your participation on MHAM planning committees and at events this year, Jen!”

– Lisa Kelly, Executive Director, MHAM

To learn more about what we do, check out the MHAM website HERE!


Interested in volunteer opportunities?  

Send us an email:


We are grateful to receive financial support from:

Beacon Community Impact

Community Foundation of St. Joseph County

Community Foundation of Elkhart County


→ To make a financial gift to support MHAM, visit:

