About Mental Health Awareness of Michiana

an affiliate of Mental Health America

MHAM is a non profit organization founded in 2018 by two local mental health providers in the community, Lisa Kelly, LCSW, MPH and Heather Holleman, PhD, HSPP.

Our goal is to promote the understanding that good mental health is a critical part of overall wellness but poor mental health can lead to further psychological and physical ailments. To help reduce these negative outcomes, we must eliminate the stigma around mental illness, and break down barriers that prevent access to care.

Mission & Values

The mission of MHAM is to improve the quality of life for those living with mental illness & mental health concerns in Michiana through initiatives that eliminate stigma, build collaboration, and improve access to care, especially for those who have been historically marginalized.

An affiliate of Mental Health America.

MHAM became an affiliate of Mental Health America in 2020.
Mental Health America is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental wellbeing of all through advocacy, education, research and service.

MHA affiliates around the country are all working to this same end of eliminating stigma around mental illness and advocating locally, regionally and nationally for policies that promote access to care. As an affiliate, MHAM collaborates with the national office as well as other regional and national affiliates to access training and educational resources and technical support from the national office as well as receive mental health screening data for our region.

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Meet Our Staff

Lisa B Kelly, LCSW, MPH
Co Founder, Executive Director
Linda Raven, Program Coordinator - Pro Bono Counseling
Linda Raven
Program Coordinator
Pro Bono Counseling Project
Jan Marable
Program Coordinator
Education and Events
Joanna Arnett
Communication Specialist
La'Sierra Sharks
Peer Support Specialist

Members of the Board

Colleen Wilcox
Kelli Brien
Vice President
Advocacy, Finance Committee
Marian Krizman
Julianna Herring
Taylor Nicoletti
Nancy Bean
Finance Committee

Have a question about ways you can get involved?

Interested in helping but aren’t a therapist? Send us a message at info@mhamichiana.org or call at 574-393-8809, ext. 3, and we’ll be sure to get back with you.
