February 2023
We are pleased to announce Maria C. Guarraci, LCSW is the
MHAM Volunteer of the Month!
“As a therapist who typically works with well-insured clients, or even clients who have the ability to pay out of pocket, I feel it is crucially important to offer similar services to other members of the community, who, for a variety of reasons, may not have the luxury of being able to afford mental health care. We know that attending to the mental health needs of the whole community strengthens the community overall, and allows for greater participation, productivity, and connections with the community. I am particularly excited that the Asesoramiento Gratuito is partnering with the University of Notre Dame Law School Exoneration Justice Clinic. In order for individuals who have been wrongfully incarcerated to transition successfully back into the community, there is so much important work to be done with respect to navigating past trauma, managing a wide array of emotions, and taking brave steps forward. I am excited that PBCP volunteer therapists, myself included, will have the honor of supporting clients through this process.”
Janée Carlile, PBCP Coordinator, says ”the partnership between the PBCP and the EJC is a critical stepping stone for our community. Our trauma-trained counselors provide mental health care to those who would otherwise go without. PBCP is proud to partner with EJC to support those who need counseling during a critical time in their lives.”
Thank you, Maria, for your commitment to improving access to mental health care in
Michiana as a volunteer clinician with MHAM’s Pro Bono Counseling Project!
Interested in becoming a volunteer clinician?
→ Click HERE for additional information
or send us an email: mha.michiana@gmail.com
→ To learn about eligibility or to apply to receive counseling services through the Pro Bono
Counseling Project, click HERE!
We are grateful to receive financial support from:
Beacon Community Impact
Community Foundation of St. Joseph County
→ To make a financial gift to support MHAM and the Pro Bono Counseling Project, visit: